piątek, 30 marca 2012


Sometimes people don't even know, how hard for another person it was to forgive. Long months of lies, doubts... Sometimes this person wanted to close this chapter in her life, but couldn't do it. Many sleepless nights of thinking. Convincing yourself, that you can do it, you can finish this, but when it came to this, it was impossible. Impossible to stay angry at, to blame other person. While looking in her eyes feeling happy, smiling, forgetting about all matters, worries. And then... thinking, that the other person can't witness it... Can't stop worrying just because of your presence. It hurts, it is slowly killing you. You can't breathe, you can't sleep, your mind seems not your own. You try not to think about it, imagine, that it is not true. Trying to survive it, hoping, that something will change. And then comes a day, that you have enough of all this doubts, you're tired of waiting. You're ready to move on. And there are few options... Nothing changes, and you have to move on. There's also an option that something changes, and the other person reciprocates your feelings. Then you can choose: you move on, or you stay. If you stay, you have doubt, if you still feel something to that person. And you also have to forgive that person, 'cause it's obvious, that you blame him, that you're upset about all lies and doubt. If you leave, move on, you keep thinking what if I stayed, what if I gave him a chance, what if... At the beginning, none of those options seems good, but it can turn out a great decision. You just have to choose wisely...

I miss you... 

wtorek, 27 marca 2012


Memories are often the only thing that is left from someone. Good and bad. Long and short. Happy and sad. People would like to have only good memories, and throw the bad ones away. But... is it the right thing to do (if we could..) ? Thinking of the bad memories, sad moments in our lives brings us pain, it is hard for us. But this is exactly what has made our personality. We just have to try think of the good moments, but still remember, that there were also the bad ones. We also have to remember not to stay to long in memories, not to think of them too much. It is easy to turn from remembering to consideration of the past, which is not a good thing. Focus on reality, on the present. And memories...? Keep them in your had, and come back to them sometimes.    They're helpful when you're feeling lonely, if your present is not arranging as you wished it was. But don't sink in them, 'cause it'd only make things worse...

inspiring... :)

poniedziałek, 26 marca 2012

is this love?

Many girls thinks, that they're in love with some guy. She meets him, he is handsome, funny, and nice. After a week they're a couple. Writing to each other on facebook, twitter or any other shit: I love you ;***** Adding photos while they're kissing, writing all day all night, but when they meet, there's nothing to talk about. I'm sick of that kind of "love"...  You can't love someone you don't even know! And you can't get to know someone in one week, especially if you don't even talk to this person face to face. In my opinion, it is not like you tell someone that you love him, because it is the right thing to do. Not even if he tells you that. You can't tell "I love" if you're not sure... You can hurt other person. And if you love someone... you'll know that. There'll be no doubt. You say goodbye to each other after 4 hours walk, you watch him walking away and already miss him. You know that today he's not coming, but when you hear the doorbell, you hope that it's him and you run to open the door. You've had a terrible day, and no one could make you laugh. And then you meet with him. The moment you see him, you are smiling. You're together and you feel like he came 15 minutes ago, while it's been 2 hours. When he's looking at you, holding you in his arms, kissing you, you feel like everything is perfect... Love is not by the internet, love is not for a month, love is not to be cool. Love is a very special feeling, that combines two people into one. That makes people happier. That helps to survive through all troubles. It's clean and strong. It's perfect...

niedziela, 25 marca 2012


You come up to this world so wrong, and it all starts... At first you learn how to move, sitting, walking, talking, etc. You grow up. Don't care about anything, the most important things: playing, eating, sleeping. Then you try to get to know this world and the people. Watching, asking. And then your life starts to get harder... You go to school, at first it seems cool and easy. More playing than learning. You make friends with other children. It is great! But someday... you start to argue with friends and parents, you're not doing well at school, you're frustrated, tired, angry... Parents, teachers tell you all the time, that you have to learn, that you won't find a job, that you don't care about anything... Everyone is telling you what to do. Then you go to a college. New people, new place. At the beginning you feel strange, but then ... You become a real student. Parties, alcohol, cigarettes, learning all night, but only a day before an exam. Getting up at 11 o'clock. You leave college and can't find a job. You finish working in a shop. You meet your ideal woman/man. Engage, than get married, have children... Great family! You find a better job. Everyone thinks, that you have perfect life, but you're not happy. You are bored of your life. Everyday you wake up, and think about all things you have to do today, and then think: why the hell am I doing this? You want to quit job, but what about money?! You can't live your live fully. You can't party when you want to, 'cause you've got kids, job... Everyday you worry, if you'll have enough money for the rest of the month. You are stressed, depressed, bored... and keep thinking if it makes any sense, but you can't find the answer. You love your wife/husband, your kids are lovely and cute, you enjoy your job. But on the other hand... You can't do whatever you want to, whenever you want to. You've got responsibilities, restrictions. You're expected to be reasonable, accountable. You have to do things you don't want to do very often. And then you think, that there are things worth living for... Worth every sacrifice. You think, that you're lucky, 'cause you've got people, who loves you, and who you love, 'cause you have a job, and you enjoy it (!), 'cause you see, that you want to sacrifice for your family and you want to be with them as much as you can. Every look into your beloved eyes makes you feel better, even after the worst day at work. Every hug from your children makes you smile. When you're lying in your bed, eyes opened in the dark room, feel your beloved body next to you, hear your children snoring in another room, you smile to yourself and fall asleep...

Fight for love everyday, because it is worth it...

sobota, 24 marca 2012

addicted to love

When you're in a relationship, you're in love, you spend with the other person much time. It lasts long, long... and you get addicted to this person. Fact, that this person is next to you almost all the time is as natural as fact, that the sun is in the sky. You can't even imagine your life without him/her. You get addicted to fact, that someone is there to help you from your knees, to hug you, when you're a mess, to kiss you, when you feel lonely. You get addicted to love. But remember, that you can't stop to appreciate this...

środa, 21 marca 2012


Często nie potrafimy docenić tego, co mamy. Ludzie w oparciu o pieprzone komedie romantyczne ( które i tak lubię ;d ) myślą, że ich życie jest nudne, szare. Martwiąc się tym, co nam się nie udało, tym, czego jeszcze nie mamy, tym, czy kiedykolwiek to zdobędziemy, nie zauważamy tego, co mamy tu i teraz. Rozpamiętując przeszłość omijamy teraźniejszość, zataczając tym samym błędne koło. Warto żyć chwilą, tym, co mamy, a nie tym, co chcielibyśmy mieć. Może i nie można mieć wszystkiego, ale czy uważacie, że nie można być szczęśliwym nie mając wszystkiego? Może i nie wszystko zawsze idzie tak, jakbyśmy tego chcieli, ale kiedy mamy osoby, które sprawiają, że nasze problemy wydają się małe i nie ważne, kogo to obchodzi?! Ludzi, z którymi rzeczywistość chowa się gdzieś na dalszy plan, przy których liczy się tu i teraz. Przy których uśmiechasz się mimo wszystko. Mimo, że twoje życie wali się . Docenić jest trudno. Ale świadomość, że w najgorszych chwilach masz kogoś, kto pomoże ci się z tym uporać jest wspaniała i warta każdego trudu. Dlatego żyjcie chwilą i cieszcie się tym, co macie, bo inaczej to stracicie....

wtorek, 20 marca 2012


Zastanawialiście się kiedyś, o ile życie było by łatwiejsze, gdybyśmy nie mieli żadnych ograniczeń? Nie mówię tutaj o ograniczeniach stawianych nam przez rodziców, które (czy nam się to podoba, czy nie) są nam potrzebne. Chociaż i te czasami podchodzą pod tą kategorię.
Największym ograniczeniem jest czas... Kto, do cholery jasnej, powiedział, że w nocy jest czas na spanie, a w dzień na pracę, zabawy, itp. Pomyślcie! Noc jest taka piękna...
Gwiazdy, księżyc, które zawsze są na niebie ( choć nie zawsze widoczne) sprawiają, że czuję się malutka, ale jednocześnie napawają mnie spokojem.
Ciemność, jaka wtedy panuje, wcale nie jest wadą ( mówię to ja!! , a nie jestem wielbicielką ciemności). Powoduje ona wspaniałą atmosferę. Tajemniczość, adrenalina, ciekawość...
Cisza... Możesz spokojnie usiąść nad brzegiem strumyka i patrzyć w odbijający się w nim księżyc, i w spokoju pomyśleć.
Czy nie było by fajnie, gdybyśmy nie musieli się przejmować, że jest już za późno, żeby gdzieś pójść, żeby coś zrobić..? Nie przejmować się, że dziś już nie zdążysz czegoś zrobić, bo trzeba iść spać. Nie przejmować się, że następnego dnia musisz stawić się w określonym miejscu, o określonej godzinie...
Czas nam ucieka, czas nas goni. Czasu mamy za mało, lub za dużo. Zawsze jest źle... A co, gdyby nie było czasu...?